current work & projects

SUMMER & Autumn 2020


currently working on my first exhibition.

conception, picture framing; new artworks, paintings and sketches.

exiting projekt!

november 15th / 2014: sandberg bass artwork

looking forward for a custom design / electro-bass for sandberg guitars. 
the guys from sandberg sent me a body - to be assembled with the neck

untill the artwork is done. let´s see what will happen... 

sandberg bass ken taylor
sandberg bass ken taylor
sandberg bass ken taylor
sandberg bass ken taylor

april 23rd / 2014: fender telecaster artwork

just beginning with the fender telecaster artwork as a commissional work for a friend. at the pictures

you you can see the guitar in it´s original condition and already disassembled.
let´s see what it will be like in a few weeks or months...

fender telecaster disassembled
fender telecaster disassembled
fender felecaster
fender felecaster

oct 22nd / 2013: e-bass artwork

my band bought me an e-bass kit for self-assembly as a birhday present last year, so there

was no question to design this piece. at the pics you can see the basic colour light blue just

after the varnish. it will be in 70's style with a kind of freaky conception...

head and neck
head and neck
the e-bass body after varnish
the e-bass body after varnish

may 10th / 2013: hairstyle wall artwork

the style of the artwork ist inspired by the name of the hairstyle-salon, trying to integrate the sujet of hair, angel and the fire aspect.

the hair of the angel should grow in an excessive way, occupying the almost whole wall. the colouring ist based on the colours occuring

at the salon: red, black, white and gold. above the door I painted a small skyline of bochum city. I tried to get a organic and growing

affect in the work to achieve a certain kind of movement.


the grounding I used several colours of acryl spray, working out the outlines with molotow-acrylpens, fills with brushed acrylcolour.

during the process the colour pigments were absorbed by the woody underground, so I had to fill up many layers to get the hue

that I needed.


hairstyle by burning angel

ca. 400 x 250cm

acrylspray, acrylcolours, molotow acryl on wood wall


to be seen at:

hairstyle by burning angel
kortumstr. 34
44787 bochum

march 3rd / 2013

doing a wall-artwork for my favourite female hairstylist in bocity, hairstyle by burning angel. the pic below shows

the salon with the jet unpainted wall (except the existing logo) I am currently workin´ on. no one told me that

painting a wall can be so exhausting...

february 13th / 2013

 currently I´m working on several shoe- and guitar-artworks, considering to build up

a custom shop for guitar-designs in cooperation with a guitar maker from bochum city.


in the near future I will put some pics online which may show the state of play.